2024 NZGAJC Photography and Journalism Awards

Entries are now open.

The Guild offers a series of awards each year, in conjunction with our sponsors, for excellence in written and broadcast agricultural journalism.

We've opened entries for the 2024 NZGAJC Photography and Journalism Awards.

The winners will be announced at the Awards Night in Wellington on Friday 8 November. 

Register for your spot at the 2024 Awards Night here

Entries close on 08 October 2024

Ministry for Primary Industries Rongo Award 

Celebrating Excellence in Agricultural Journalism

Are you passionate about New Zealand's agriculture and the primary sector? The Ministry for Primary Industries Rongo Award is your opportunity to showcase your journalistic prowess and contribute to the vital conversations shaping our nation's agricultural landscape.

Since its inception, this prestigious award has recognised outstanding journalism in New Zealand’s agricultural sector. Previous winners, including the talented teams from Country-Wide, RadioNZ Rural News, and distinguished journalists like Aaron Smale, Hugh Stringleman, Neal Wallace, and Kate Evans, have set a high bar for excellence.

We invite you to submit TWO feature articles on separate subjects or a SINGLE THEME SERIES that delve deep into any aspect of New Zealand agriculture or the primary sector. The submission must have been published or broadcast within the 12 months leading up to 31 July 2024.

Our judges will evaluate submissions based on:

  • Topicality and Originality: Does the submission address current issues with fresh perspectives? Is it engaging to its audience (please note the audience targeted i.e. farmers, growers, general public, local, regional, national)?
  • Educational and Industrial Value: How does the submission contribute to the understanding and advancement of the industry?
  • Thoroughness and Enterprise: Has the submission gone above and beyond with regard to research and storytelling?
  • Accuracy and Skill in Presentation: Is the information accurate, and is it presented in a compelling manner?

The Ministry for Primary Industries Rongo Award offers a first prize of $2,500, along with a certificate and a trophy, acknowledging your outstanding contribution. A second prize of $500 is also up for grabs.


Don’t miss this chance to have your work recognised and celebrated on a national stage!

This award is only open to financial members of the NZGAJC. Entrants must be of good character and not bring the award or the Guild into disrepute.

If you’re ready to make your mark and join the ranks of New Zealand’s best agricultural journalists, submit your entry here

NZGAJC Primary Sector Communications Campaign Award

Honouring Excellent in Agricultural Communication

In the ever-evolving world of agriculture, effective communication is key to addressing industry challenges and driving change. The NZGAJC Primary Sector Communications Campaign Award celebrates excellence in delivering impactful communication campaigns that make a difference across New Zealand’s primary sector.

This award has previously recognised innovative campaigns such as NZ Kiwifruit Growers Inc's effort to attract seasonal labour, the Ministry for Primary Industries' "Opportunity Grows Here" campaign, Perriam Media & Ministry for the Environment’s "Sarah’s Country ‘Table Swap’" campaign, and the New Zealand Forest Owners Association with Te Uru Rākau New Zealand Forest Service’s "Wood: Our Low Carbon Future" campaign.

We are seeking submissions that showcase an outstanding agricultural communications project or campaign, whether short or long-term, executed by a corporate entity, an agency, a communications team, or an individual within an agricultural organisation. The campaign must have taken place in the 12 months leading up to 31 July 2024.

Your project or campaign could involve:

  • Social or Viral Media
  • Reputation-Building
  • Staff Communications
  • Customer or Stakeholder Relations
  • Financial or Investor Relations
  • Community Engagement


Our judges will assess entries based on:

  • Clarity of Objectives: Does the submission clearly articulate the campaign's goals?
  • Achievement of Objectives: How effectively did the campaign meet its stated objectives? (show clear examples throughout the submission)
  • Creativity: Did the campaign employ a creative approach that resonated with the target audience? (show proof of audience engagement)
  • Educational and Industrial Value: How does the campaign contribute to the understanding and progress of the industry?


The Primary Sector Communications Campaign Award offers a prize of $1,000, to be shared among those involved in the project or campaign, acknowledging your collective effort in driving impactful communication.


Read more about the conditions of entry here

Showcase your team’s achievements and join the ranks of New Zealand’s leading agricultural communicators!

This award is only open to financial members of the NZGAJC. Entrants must be of good character and not bring the award or the Guild into disrepute

Submit your entry here


Wools of New Zealand Rural Photography Award

Capturing the Heart of Rural Life

Photography has the power to tell stories that words alone cannot. The Wools of New Zealand Rural Photography Award celebrates photographers who capture the essence of rural life in New Zealand, showcasing the vibrant activities and events that define our agricultural and horticultural landscapes.

Whether it’s an on-farm moment, a human-interest story, or an industry event, this award honours those who bring the rural world to life through their lens. Previous winners have demonstrated creativity, accuracy, and a compelling perspective on rural New Zealand.

Previous winners of this photography award include Louise Savage, Natasha Chadwick, Carol Stiles, Emma McCarthy, Des Williams, Aaron Smale, Tony Benny, and Kent Blechnnyden. These talented photographers have set a high standard for excellence, capturing the unique and varied experiences of rural life.


We invite submissions of ONE photograph that illustrates a rural event or activity—whether agricultural, horticultural, industrial, or human interest—reflecting life or work in rural New Zealand. Your photograph must have been published in a newspaper or magazine within the 12 months leading up to 31 July 2024, either as a standalone image with a simple caption or accompanying a news or feature article.


Entries will be evaluated based on:

  • Showcase of Rural Life: Does the photograph effectively capture a rural event or activity?
  • Unique New Zealand: Does the photograph show elements unique to Aotearoa or to the sector it’s representing?
  • Creativity and Accuracy: How well does the image creatively and accurately represent the industry?
  • Compelling Nature: Is the photograph engaging and visually striking?

Please note: Photographs intended for advertising, promotional, or commercial use (such as calendars or brochures) are not eligible for this award.

The winner of the Wools of New Zealand Rural Photography Award will receive $750 and a certificate, recognizing their outstanding ability to capture the spirit of rural New Zealand.

To enter, submit a digital, high-resolution image of your photograph, along with a digital copy of the page from the publication in which it appeared.

Celebrate your unique perspective on rural life and share your vision with the world through this prestigious award.

The Guild and the sponsor reserve the right to reprint the winning entry and other selected entries to publicise the award or on the Guild’s website, with credit given to the photographer and the publication in which it appeared. No reproduction or royalty charges will apply.

This award is only open to financial members of the NZGAJC. Entrants must be of good character and not bring the award or the Guild into disrepute.

Submit you entry here

Pāmu Agricultural Journalism Encouragement Award

Nurturing the Future of Agricultural Journalism

The Pāmu Agricultural Journalism Encouragement Award, established by the New Zealand Guild of Agricultural Journalists and Communicators, is dedicated to recognising and encouraging the talents of emerging journalists in the agricultural sector. Sponsored by Pāmu, this award highlights the important contributions of those who have been specialising in agricultural journalism for three years or less.

Previous winners of this award include Pat Deavoll, Esther Taunton, Jacqui Gibson, Nikki Mandow, Rebecca Howard, Shawn McAvinue, and Sally Murphy, each of whom has made significant strides in their early careers.


We invite submissions of a portfolio of THREE articles or programmes. Your entry can be a mix of broadcasts, news items, features, or profiles, but all must be centred on agriculture. Your work should reflect a commitment to covering agricultural issues and must have been published, broadcast, or delivered within the 12 months leading up to 31 July 2024.


Our judges will assess entries based on:

  • Topicality and Originality: Does the portfolio address current and relevant agricultural topics in a unique way?
  • Educational and Industrial Value: How well do the pieces contribute to the understanding and development of the agricultural industry?
  • Thoroughness and Enterprise: Does the portfolio show diligence in research and depth in the reporting?
  • Accuracy and Presentation: Is the information precise, and is it presented clearly and effectively?

Please note: Past winners of this award are not eligible to enter, and entries must not be advertising or advertorial in nature.


The winner of the Pāmu Agricultural Journalism Encouragement Award will receive $500, recognising their promise and potential in the field of agricultural journalism.


Take this opportunity to showcase your work and gain recognition for your contributions to the future of agricultural journalism. 

Any New Zealand-based journalist or communicator in the early stages of their agricultural journalism career (first three years) is eligible to enter the award.

Submit your entry here

Beef + Lamb Hard News Award

Honouring Excellence in Hard News Journalism

The Beef + Lamb Hard News Award is dedicated to recognising outstanding journalism that delves into the critical issues surrounding sheep meat or beef, from the farm gate to the market shelf. This award celebrates those who bring clarity, insight, and accuracy to the stories that shape New Zealand’s red meat sector.

From on-farm activities to the intricate relationships within the red meat processing industry, and from domestic marketing strategies to international trade, this award acknowledges journalists who effectively communicate the complexities of the journey from pasture to plate.

Previous winners include Joanna Grigg, Neal Wallace, Ali Spencer, and Nigel Stirling, each of whom has demonstrated exceptional skill in reporting on the red meat industry.


We invite submissions consisting of TWO articles, features, or programmes that focus on any aspect of the sheep meat or beef industry that looks at critical issues from a hard news angle. Whether your work explores on-farm practices, market trends, or industry challenges, it must have been published, broadcast, or delivered within the 12 months leading up to 31 July 2024. 


Our judges will evaluate entries based on:

  • Understanding of Issues: Do the articles demonstrate a deep understanding of the critical challenges and opportunities facing the sheep meat or beef sector?
  • Effective Communication: How well do the articles convey the complexities of the subject matter in a clear and accurate manner?
  • Relevance and Impact: Is the reporting timely and significant to the industry?

Please note: Entries must not be advertising or advertorial in nature. Only one entry per person is allowed unless also part of a team entry.


The winner of the Beef + Lamb Hard News Award will receive $1,000, recognizing their excellence in hard news journalism within the red meat sector.


Take this opportunity to showcase your ability to report on the vital issues impacting New Zealand’s sheep meat and beef industries and be recognised for your journalistic excellence.

This award is only open to financial members of the NZGAJC. Entrants must be of good character and not bring the award or the Guild into disrepute.

Submit your entry here

AgResearch Science Writers Award

Elevating the Standard of Science Writing in Agriculture

The AgResearch Science Writers Award is committed to raising the bar for science writing in pastoral agriculture. This award seeks to recognise and celebrate journalists who can inspire readers with the power of science, conveying that scientific innovation is key to New Zealand’s future prosperity and that the technology shaping the next decade is already in development.

Whether through insightful reporting or in-depth features, this award honours those who can make complex scientific concepts accessible and engaging to the broader public.

Previous winners of this prestigious award include Elaine Fisher, Carol Stiles, Jo Grigg, Richard Rennie, Jackie Harrigan, Kate Evans, Alexa Cook, Gerald Piddock, and Jon Morgan. These journalists have demonstrated an exceptional ability to communicate the importance of science in advancing New Zealand’s agricultural sector.


We invite submissions of ONE entry consisting of TWO articles or a SINGLE THEME series. Your work should focus on science in pastoral agriculture and must have been published, broadcast, or delivered within the 12 months leading up to 31 July 2024.


Entries will be judged on:

  • Inspiration: Does the work inspire readers with the potential of science and its role in shaping New Zealand’s future?
  • Clarity and Engagement: How effectively do the articles communicate complex scientific ideas in a way that is accessible and engaging to a broad audience?
  • Relevance to Future Prosperity: Does the work highlight the importance of ongoing research and its implications for the next decade?

Please note: Entries must not be advertising or advertorial in nature. Additionally, the judges will not consider elements beyond the control of the entrant, such as layout or headlines, but entrants should specify these aspects on their entry form.

The winner of the AgResearch Science Writers Award will receive $1,000 and a certificate, in recognition of their excellence in science writing for pastoral agriculture.


Take this opportunity to showcase your ability to inspire and inform through science writing, and be recognised for your contribution to New Zealand’s agricultural future.

This award is only open to financial members of the NZGAJC. Entrants must be of good character and not bring the award or the Guild into disrepute.

Submit your entry here

Alliance Group Ltd Red Meat Industry Journalism Award

Honoring Excellence in Communicating the Red Meat Sector

The Alliance Group Ltd Red Meat Industry Journalism Award recognises outstanding journalism that captures the complexities of New Zealand’s red meat industry. This award celebrates journalists who can effectively communicate the diverse aspects of the industry, from genetics and breeding to on-farm practices, processing, marketing, and the various challenges facing beef, sheep, and deer sectors.

Whether your work focuses on research, innovation, or the stories of the people driving the industry forward, this award seeks to acknowledge those who can both inspire and inform their readers with clear, insightful reporting.

Previous winners of this esteemed award include Gerald Piddock, Karen Trebilcock, Glenys Christian, Neal Wallace, Carol Stiles, Sally Rae, Alexa Cook, and Gerard Hutching. Each of these journalists has demonstrated exceptional skill in covering the red meat sector.


We invite submissions of ONE entry consisting of TWO articles or a SINGLE THEME series. Your work should cover any aspect of the red meat industry, including but not limited to genetics, on-farm practices, processing, and market dynamics. It must have been published, broadcast, or delivered within the 12 months leading up to 31 July 2024.

Our judges will evaluate submissions based on:

  • Topicality and Originality: Does the submission address current issues with fresh perspectives? Is it engaging to its audience (please note the audience targeted i.e. farmers, growers, general public, local, regional, national).
  • Educational and Industrial Value: How does the submission contribute to the understanding and advancement of the industry?
  • Thoroughness and Enterprise: Has the submission gone above and beyond with regards to research and storytelling?
  • Accuracy and Skill in Presentation: Are the submissions accurate, and presented in a compelling manner?

Please note: Entries must not be advertising or advertorial in nature. Additionally, the judges will not consider elements beyond the control of the entrant, such as layout or headlines, but entrants should specify these aspects on their entry form.


The winner of the Alliance Group Ltd Red Meat Industry Journalism Award will receive $1,000 and a certificate, recognising their excellence in covering the red meat sector.


This is your opportunity to be recognised for your contribution to understanding and communicating the vital issues facing New Zealand’s red meat industry.

This award is only open to financial members of the NZGAJC. Entrants must be of good character and not bring the award or the Guild into disrepute.

Submit your entry here

DairyNZ Dairy Industry Journalism Award

Celebrating Excellence in Dairy Sector Reporting

The DairyNZ Dairy Industry Journalism Award is dedicated to recognising exceptional journalism that covers the vast and dynamic dairy sector. This award honours journalists who effectively communicate the complexities of the dairy industry, from genetics and breeding to on-farm practices, processing, marketing, and the various challenges facing New Zealand’s dairy industry.

Whether your work delves into research, innovation, or the stories of the people who drive the industry, this award seeks to acknowledge those who can both inspire and inform their audience with clear, insightful reporting.

Previous winners of this prestigious award include Tony Benny, Jackie Harrigan, Anne Lee, Gerald Piddock, and Sonita Chandar. These journalists have demonstrated an exceptional ability to cover the dairy sector with depth and understanding.


We invite submissions of ONE entry consisting of TWO articles or a SINGLE THEME episode or programme. Your work should explore any aspect of the dairy industry and can be published in any medium—print, radio, digital, or television. The entries must have been published, broadcast, or delivered within the 12 months leading up to 31 July 2024, and they can cover the same topic in separate editions.

Our judges will evaluate submissions based on:

  • Topicality and Originality: Does the submission address current issues with fresh perspectives? Is it engaging to its audience (please note the audience targeted i.e. farmers, growers, general public, local, regional, national).
  • Educational and Industrial Value: How does the submission contribute to the understanding and advancement of the industry?
  • Thoroughness and Enterprise: Has the submission gone above and beyond with regards to research and storytelling?
  • Accuracy and Skill in Presentation: Are the submissions accurate, and presented in a compelling manner?

Please note: Entries must not be advertising or advertorial in nature. 


The winner of the DairyNZ Dairy Industry Journalism Award will receive $1,000, recognising their excellence in covering the dairy sector.


This is your opportunity to be recognised for your contribution to understanding and communicating the vital issues facing New Zealand’s dairy industry.

This award is only open to financial members of the NZGAJC. Entrants must be of good character and not bring the award or the Guild into disrepute.

Submit your entry here

Federated Farmers Agricultural Broadcast Journalism Award

Honouring Excellence in Agricultural Broadcasting

The Federated Farmers Agricultural Broadcast Journalism Award is dedicated to recognising outstanding journalism within the agricultural and agribusiness broadcasting sector. This award honours those who excel in delivering high-quality content through radio or television, covering all aspects of the genre—from hard news to feature stories, and technology transfer.

This award seeks to recognise broadcasters who possess a deep understanding of farming issues and the agribusiness sector, and who can effectively communicate these complexities to their audience, whether they are farmers, rural communities, stakeholders, or urban listeners.

Previous winners include Rebecca Greaves and Hamish McKay, Carol Stiles, Sally Round, Susan Murray, and Alexa Cook, all of whom have demonstrated excellence in the field of agricultural broadcasting.


We invite submissions of ONE entry consisting of TWO broadcast programmes. Your work should explore any aspect of agricultural or agribusiness journalism and must have been aired within the 12 months leading up to 31 July 2024.


Entries will be evaluated based on:

  • Topicality and Originality: Does the broadcast address current issues with fresh perspectives? Is it engaging to its audience (please note the audience targeted i.e. farmers, growers, general public, local, regional, national).
  • Overall Quality: How strong is the writing or scripting, and how well does it convey the story?
  • Engagement: Does the broadcast capture the audience's interest and effectively explain complex issues?
  • Relevance & Balance: How well does the supporting information enhance the broadcast's content and message? Does the broadcast show a balanced approach?

Please note: Entries must not be advertising or advertorial in nature. This award is open to all New Zealand-based journalists, and while membership in the New Zealand Guild of Agricultural Journalists and Communicators (NZGAJC) is not required, non-members must pay an entry fee of $25.


The winner of the Federated Farmers Agricultural Broadcast Journalism Award will receive $750, recognizing their excellence in broadcasting within the agricultural sector.


This is your chance to be recognised for your contribution to understanding and communicating the vital issues facing New Zealand’s farming and agribusiness sectors.

The award is open to any New Zealand-based journalist and is not restricted to NZGAJC members. However, an entry fee of $25 is required for non-members. Entrants must be of good character and not bring the award or the Guild into disrepute.

Submit your entry here


If you have questions about the awards please email secretary@nzgajc.org.nz